Friday, November 26, 2010

What we should do about North Korea

We can no longer afford to be the world's policeman. Globalization is only good if you are making money at it and we are losing money hand over fist. So we need to stop defending Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Tell them, sorry guys but you are on your own. But also tell them that we have a wonderful array of advanced weapons that they can buy to defend themselves.

Forget  the huge market potential in China - the Chinese are not going to let us have any major part of it. If you are a USA company and want to establish a business in China you have to do it as a joint venture and then hand over all your technical secrets - and the get kicked out.

The Chinese are playing us for suckers and its time we stopped palying this stupid game on their terms.

The first thing to do is to rearm the Japanese - they know how to fight the Chinese successfully -there are millenia of hatrid between the Japanese and Chinese. We should take advantage of this by pulling back to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and let the Asians fight amongst themsleves - while we sell them the arms they need to decimate each other.

We cannot defend South Korea without going to War with the Chinese and we do not have enough troops or wealth to do so.

South Korea looks a lot like Belgium in 1913 or Poland in 1939. I think that Gloabalism is going to come to a crashing halt just like it did in 1914. But we should avoid the fate of the British Empire by not attempting to defend South Korea, Taiwan or Japan. Instead we should seek to profit from such a war by pulling all our troops out of Korea, Taiwan and Japan and then sell arms to the protaginists.

If we do this right we can end up eliminating much of the manufacturing competition responsible for our trade imbalance very quickly.

We can end up with a stable cold war with China with dramatically reduced imports from China and a much improved trade balance. We could, at the same time substantially reduce our own Defense costs by pulling all our troops back to US soild and eliminating every one of the 768 garissons we maintain overseas at huge expense.

We do not need troops in Asia, Europe, the Middle East as all they do is cause us to get involved with foolish wars that are of no benefit to the USA. We need instead to dramatically cut the size of our defense establishment and size it to defend the homeland - not to act as the world's policemen.

So, what should we do with all the Admirals and Generals that we maintain in lavish pomp and circumstance? That is easy: Give each one a rifle and station them every foot along the Mexican border - there should be enough to go around - and have them stop the flow of drugs and illegal immigants into the USA and the flow of arms and money to Mexico.

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